Niche Beauty
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The Niche Beauty Advent Calendar 2024


Keeping it simple

by Danaja Vegelj

PictureHumanrace, founded by Pharrell Williams and his dermatologist Dr. Elena Jones, is a simple, effective skincare brand that is rooted in both daily rituals and the community. Here, Dr. Jones tells us about how it started (and where it’s going).


How did Humanrace first come about?

I met Pharrell about 25 years ago when he first walked into my clinic as a very curious young man wanting to know more about how to take care of his skin. Over the years, our friendship grew and with that the idea of Humanrace developed. Pharrell likes to call himself our Chief Testing Officer and we all work very closely with the Humanrace team to develop safe and efficacious products.


Humanrace’s ethos is based on the importance of rituals. What are your personal favorite rituals?

In the morning I do yoga moves and meditation that help to stretch, strengthen and prepare me mentally for my day. Next, I take another moment to cleanse and moisturize my face and body. My evening ritual is more about exhaling after my busy day. I cleanse nightly, exfoliate weekly and use a retinoid and moisturizer nightly before collapsing in front of the TV.


Tell us about one simple Humanrace routine that everyone can implement, no matter how busy they are?

Humanrace was developed because we wanted to create a routine with three simple steps that could be naturally implemented morning and night. We launched in 2020, with our award-winning Three-Minute Facial which is our Routine Pack (it actually takes less than 3 minutes to do). The Routine Pack consists of three steps which are cleansing with the Rice Powder Cleanser, exfoliating with the Lotus Enzyme Exfoliator and lastly, moisturizing with the Humidifying Face Cream.


What role does community play in the ethos of Humanrace?

It’s wonderful to see our Humanrace community grow, and it has been really rewarding to share skin health education and knowledge. I also love that someone like me uses the Humanrace products and so do my teenage son and his friends. Our skincare and bodycare are really designed for all humans.

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